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Formed in 1981 from the merger of WFPA and ISPA, the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) is an international organisation that operates in more than 150 countries all over the world. Their mission statement reads “to build a united global animal welfare movement”, and their vision is to eventually stamp out all forms of animal cruelty. Examples of their work includes their efforts to stop bull fighting and bear baiting, as well as to stop the capturing and keeping of whales and dolphins.

Some of their time is spent lobbying governments and other decision makers to change existing practises, and to introduce new laws to assist the welfare of all animals that are being treated cruelly. WSPA encourage everybody on the planet to be aware of their responsibilities to animals, and to think twice before making decisions that may adversely affect an animal’s welfare.

WSPA’s website is constantly updated with details of projects and ongoing work, and of course they very gratefully receive donations from anyone who would like to help them continue their work. The organisations main office is based in London, with twelve other bases spread around the world.